Sandstrasse 7
93149 Nittenau
OT Fischbach
Managing Directors
Vasile Rus
Commercial Register Number and Register Court
HRB 12392 District Court Landshut
Sales Tax Identification Number (VAT Reg)
Data Protection
– Privacy Policy –
Responsible According to § 55 ABS. 2 RSTV
Vasile Rus, Sandstrasse 7, 93149 Nittenau, OT Fischbach
The website is part of the WWW and is therefore linked to external websites that can change at any time, which are therefore not subject to this area of responsibility and for which the following information does not apply. The fact that the links violate neither customs nor laws was checked exactly once: before they were included here. You can recognize such links, which lead to external web projects, by the fact that they open in a new browser window. According to § 28 BDSG we object to any commercial use and disclosure of our data.